Sunday, July 20, 2008

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Invisible

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Invisible
Directions: Answer the questions as you read the book. Refer to the page number(s) listed at the end of each question.
1. Who is Doug’s best friend? (page 2)
2. Next to Andy, what is the most important thing in Doug’s life? (page 2)
3. How does Doug describe himself? (page 2)
4. What extracurricular activities is Andy involved with?
5. What is Doug’s full and proper name? (page 4)
6. How does Doug’s mom view him? (page 5)
7. What is Doug building in the basement? What type of building material is he using? (page 6)
8. What is Madham? (page 7)
9. What does Doug believe is the key to his success? (page 8)
10. What did Doug and Andy build in the woods? (page 10)
11. What does Doug’s dad wear when he is mowing the lawn? What is his reason for always wearing the same thing? (page 12 & 13)
12. Describe the difference between Doug’s dad’s behavior at work and at home. (page 13)
13. Who lived in the Tuttle place? (page 17)
14. Why is Doug’s mom so worried about him? (page 20)
15. Who is Dr. Eleanor Ahlstrom? (page 22)
16. What does Andy say that makes Doug rather angry? (page 24)
17. According to Doug what is the secret to staying best friends? (page 25)
18. What is the name of the girl that Doug has a crush on? On a scale of 1-10, Doug says she is a 9.7. What prevents her from being a perfect 10? (page 26)
19. What name does this girl call Doug? (page 28)
20. What gift did Andy give Doug the last time they were in the tree house together? (page 38)
21. Why did Doug build a fire in the tree house? (page 40)
22. Why was this the last trip to the tree house? (page 41)
23. Do you think Andy and Doug have an unhealthy relationship with fire? (page 44)
24. What is Doug working on in art class? (page 45)
25. Where does Doug go at night when he sneaks out of the house? (page 48)
26. What warning does Andy give him? (page 49)
27. The Madham bridge is supposed to be an exact replica of what famous bridge? (page 51)
28. What is each part of the bridge made out of? (page 52)
29. Who is George Fuller? Where does he live? (page 57)
30. What does Doug’s dad do when he is angry? (page 58)
31. What is Andres Doris Louis-Hanson’s profession? (page 60)
32. How does Doug’s mom react when he tells her that Andy is coming over for the test run after the bridge is finished? (page 62)
33. Why does Doug think he is unappealing? (page 63)
34. What happens in the lunchroom between Doug and Melissa? (page 65)
35. Is Doug proud of his bridge? How can you tell? (page 67)
36. What happened when Doug started taking Proloftin? (page 71)
37. What number keeps coming up in this book? (page 72)
38. What happens when Doug is spying on Melissa? What does Doug do? (pages 72-73)
39. Why do the police go to Doug’s house? Does anyone get arrested? (page 75)
40. What happens to Doug in the lunchroom? (page 80-81)
41. What happens to Doug when he is walking home from school? (page 84)
42. Describe Doug’s injuries. (page 86)
43. Who visits Doug at the hospital after visiting hours are over? (page 88)
44. How do the students react when Doug returns to school after the attack? (page 94)
45. Were the boys that beat up Doug punished? Why or why not? (page 96)
46. What did the principal and guidance counselor do to try and make things easier for Doug? (page 96)
47. What is Doug’s sigil? (page 100)
48. What does Doug do that causes a lot of disruption at school? (page 104)
49. The school officials know that Doug called in the bomb threat. What action will the school be taking against him? (page 112)
50. Legally what could happen to Doug? (page 112)
51. Doug never gives in he continues to claim his innocence. Who does he say made the call? (page 113)
52. How does Dr. Ahlstrom respond when Doug tells her that Andy called in the bomb threat? (page 116)
53. What happened to Andy? (page 118)
54. What does the doctor do to help Doug? (page 119)
55. What happened to the pocket knife that Andy gave to Doug? (page 123)
56. What does Doug do to his bridge? (page 123)
57. Where do Doug’s parents want to take him? Why? (page 127)
58. When Doug visits St. Stephen’s Academy he doesn’t see any students. Why? (page 135)
59. How does Doug feel about attending St. Stephen’s Academy? (page 137)
60. What happens to Doug if doesn’t attend St. Stephen’s Academy? (page 138)
61. What does Doug put on all the train cars and engines? (page 140)
62. Who does Doug want at the inaugural crossing of the bridge? (page 140)
63. What cargo are the tank cars carrying? What is the Coalveyor carrying? (page 143)
64. What does Doug think will happen once he is sent away? How will others react? (page 143)
65. Is the bridge crossing a success? Explain. (page 144)
66. How does the fire in the basement start? (page 144-145)
67. What happens to Doug in the end?


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