Sunday, July 19, 2009

English 1 SE reading Guide: Keeper

Reading Guide: Keeper, Mal Peet
Genre: Multicultural/Sports fiction
In an interview with a young journalist, world cup hero, El Gato, describes his youth in the Brazilian rain forest and the events, experiences, and people that helped make him a great goalkeeper and renowned soccer star.
1. Who is Paul Faustino? (page 1)
2. Who is Paul interviewing? What is his name? (pages 2-3)
3. El Gato grew up in south America where the whole place was obsessed with soccer. When he was a kid they all got together in the afternoons and played soccer. How does Gato describe his ability? (page 4)
4. What did they call El Gato? Why? (page 5)
5. Why did Gato decide to give up playing soccer? How old was he? (page 5)
6. Why did Gato keep going back into the forest? What point does Gato tell Paul he must get across to his readers? (page 14)
7. How does Gato respond when Paul says: “And you found it, this thing you were looking for?” (page 15)
8. What was Gato afraid of? (page 16)
9. What did Gato find in the forest? (page 17)
10. Who does Gato See? (page 18)
11. What does the Keeper say to Gato? How does he react? (page 19)
12. What does Gato’s uncle tell him about the forest? (page 23)
13. Why has the Keeper brought El Gato into the forest? (page 25)
14. What does the Keeper mean by “reading the body”? (page 27)
15. El Gato’s family begins to worry about him? What does he tell his mom? (page 39)
16. What does El Gato do to convince his parents that he is exploring? What do his parents do to help him? (page 37)
17. What plans do Gato’s parents have for his future? (pages 39-40)
18. Why did Gato hate the Keeper at times? (page 41)
19. Due to the Keeper’s discipline, what changes does Gato notice in himself? (page 42)
20. The Keeper tells Gato he is the spider. What does he mean? (page 46)
21. Why does Paul question Gato’s mentl health? (page 49)
22. What does the Keeper tell Gato about the way he is collecting the ball? (page 61)
23. Why was Gato having so much trouble getting the play right? (page 63)
24. What changes happened in Gato’s life when he turned 15? (page 73)
25. Where did Gato’s dad get him a job? (page 76)
26. Gato’s dad was very proud that he had secured a job for his son. Gato felt no gratitude because he saw himself as what? (page 77)
27. Who is Senor Hellman? (page 79)
28. Who is Estevan? (page 81)
29. On Saturday they all stopped working at midday. Where did they go? (page 87)
30. Joa (the Butcher) used to play soccer in the plaza, what kind of a player is he? (page 88)
31. Who was the referee? (page 88)
32. During the informal games with his fellow workers Gato played goalkeeper. Why did he have so much trouble reading the play? (page 90)
33. How did Gato stop the butcher? (page 93)
34. The Butcher was out to get Gato. How did Gato protect himself? (page 95)
35. Gato read the players body, he knew where the ball was going. What happened that he had not considered? (page 99)
36. How did he make the save? (page 100)
37. What happened the next day when Gato saw the Keeper? (page 104)
38. The Keeper tells Gato to be the penalty taker. Gato tell him that he can’t beat because the Keeper always knows what he is thinking. The Keeper tells him to think of something he cannot image. What does Gato do? (pages 105-106)
39. What does Estevan give to Gato? What does he tell him about the number? (page 108)
40. Why was Gato trembling? (page 109)
41. What does Gato realize about himself and the Keeper? (pages 113-114)
42. The Keeper tells Gato that they don’t have much time left. What is he talking about? (pages 114-115)
43. Gato tells the Keeper that he still doesn’t know what to do about the out swinging corner. What does the Keeper tell him? (page 115)
44. What does the Keeper say when Gato asks him where he is going? (page 116)
45. Three vehicles pull while the workers are waiting to get their pay. Why have these people come? (page 119)
46. Who is Larsson? What happened to him? (pages 124-125)
47. How did Gato lose the game? (pages 130-131)
48. Who came to Gato’s house later that day? (pages 134-135)
49. What does Larsson tell Gato abut his goaltending? (pages 135-136)
50. Why are these people at Gato’s house? (page 136)
51. What does Gato’s mother tell Senora da Silva? (page 137)
52. How does Gato’s dad respond? (page 138)
53. Acuna speaks directly to Gato’s mom. What does he tell her? (pages 139-140)
54. What does Gato say when Senora da Silva asks him what he is? (page 141)
55. What does Uncle Feliciano tell Gato’s dad? (page 145)
56. Gato says he has so much to learn. What does the keeper tell him?
57. When Gato went back for his father’s funeral he returned to the forest to find the Keeper. Did he find him? Did he ever speak to the Keeper again? (page 157)
58. Paul asks Gato is he learned anything that first year. What does Gato tell him? (page 160)
59. Gato took Pablo’s place in a Cup tie because Pable fractured his collarbone. What did Pablo say about Gato’s goaltending? (page 162)
60. Ramos was Pablo’s substitute goalie. How did Ramos react when he saw Gato wearing Pablo’s shirt? (page 162)
61. What happened when Gato went walking in the park? (page 164)
62. Why does Gato think that Ramos is behind this incident? (page 165)
63. Why didn’t Gato go off and play soccer in Europe? (page 166)
64. Paul has files on Gato’s soccer career. He pulls out a photo of Gato lifting the European Cup above his head. Paul tells Gato he is going to use the photo in his article. How does Gato react? (pages 169-170)
65. How did Gato’s father die? (page2 177-179)
66. Paul and Gato are watching a video of the World Cup Final. Gato tells Paul that he cheated. How did he cheat? (page 192)
67. How did Gato put another scoring option in Mann’s head? (page 193)
68. At the end of the interview Gato tells Paul that he doesn’t want any of what he has said to appear in the newspaper. What does he want Paul to do? (page 205)
69. What is the exclusive information that Gato gives Paul? (page 209)
70. How does Gato respond when Paul tells him he has years left? (page 212)
71. Why is Gato convinced this is the right time to leave soccer? (page 214)
72. Who are the Lost Ones? (page 216)
73. What happens during Gato’s last visit to the Keeper? (pages 222-223)

English 1 Reading Guide: The Graveyard Book

Reading Guide: The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman
Genre: Supernatural, 950 Lexile
While an assassin slips from room to room, slaughtering his family, a toddler escapes from his crib, “bottom bumps” his way down the stairs, and wanders out into the nearby graveyard where the cemetery ghosts decide to adopt him. His adventures are amazing.
1. What did the man named Jack do to the family while they slept? (page 7)
2. What did Jack find when he looked in the baby’s crib? (page 9)
3. What happened to the baby? (pages 10-11)
4. Where did the baby go? Who agrees to take care of him? (page 15)
5. Who is Josiah Worthington? (page 20)
6. What does Josiah think about Mrs. Owens taking care of the baby? (pages 21-22)
7. Who is Silas? How will he get food for the baby? (page 23)
8. What do the ghosts decide to call the baby? Why do they choose this name? (page 25)
9. Each of the dead had an opinion as to whether the living child should be allowed to stay. What did they decide? (page 31)
10. Why must Nobody remain in the graveyard? (page 37)
11. Freedom of the Graveyard gives Nobody some special abilities. What things can he do in the graveyard? (page 38)
12. What does Nobody (Bod) do in the graveyard? (page 39)
13. Who does Bod meet in the graveyard? (page 41)
14. Who do Scarlett’s parents think Bod is? (page 43)
15. How do Scarlett and Bod spend their days? (page 44)
16. Where do Scarlett and Bod go? (pages 50-52)
17. What do they find? (pages 55-56)
18. Where does Scarlett’s family go? (page 59)
19. Silas is Bod’s guardian. Who does he put in charge of Bod? How does Bod feel about her? (pages 66-67)
20. What does Miss Lupescu teach Bod? (pages 70-71)
21. How did the Owenses’ react when Bod complained about Miss Lupescu? (page 73)
22. What are ghouls? (page 82)
23. What do the ghouls want Bod to do? (page 85)
24. How does Bod escape from the ghouls? (pages 89-90)
25. Who/what brought Bod to safety? (pages 93-94)
26. Who is buried at the edge of the graveyard? (page 99)
27. What lies beyond the edge of the graveyard? (page 100)
28. Who is buried there? (page 103)
29. What is slipping and fading? (page 105)
30. Who helps Bod when he falls from the apple tree? (page 108)
31. How did this person die? (pages 110-112)
32. Why did Bod go back to the Indigo Man’s tomb? (page 116)
33. Where does Bod go next? (page 120)
34. Why did Abanazer Bolger lock Bod in a room? (page 124)
35. Who comes to Bod? (page 125)
36. What reason does Bod give Liza for trying to sell the brooch? What is Liza’s reaction? (page 131)
37. What does Liza do to help Bod? (pages 132-133)
38. Why does Albanazer put something in Tom’s drink? (page 135)
39. How does Bod escape? (page 136)
40. What did Bod find when he entered the antique shop? Why does Liza tell him to take the card with the word Jack written on it? (page 137)
41. How does Silas react when he finds Bod? (pages 138-139)
42. What did Bod do with the paperweight? (pages 141-142)
43. What is a Macabre? (page 149)
44. Who did Bod see coming up the path? (page 150)
45. What were the white flowers for? (page 151)
46. Who participated in the Danse Macabre? (page 158)
47. What does Josiah Worthington tell Bod about the dead mingling with the living? What does Bod realize? (page 163)
48. How does Silas react to Bod’s desire to discuss the Macabre? (page 164)
49. The men in black suits are mad at Jack, why? (page 168)
50. What did Bod mean when he told Silas he was asking the wrong question? (page 181)
51. Bod goes to school? How does he spend most of his free time? (page 182)
52. Who are Nick Farthing and Maureen Quilling (Mo)? (page 183)
53. What advise does Bod give to Paul? (page 185)
54. How does Bod get rid of Nick and Mo? (pages 188-189)
55. What does Bod do to frighten Nick? (pages 194-196)
56. Mo brings the police to the graveyard accusing Bod of breaking things in her backyard. What did the police do? Why? (page 200)
57. What happened on the way to the police station? (pages 202-203)
58. Who told Silas what happened to Bod? What does Bod decide to do? (page 205)
59. Scarlett returns. She gets on the wrong bus and ends up at the graveyard. Who does she meet there? (page 222)
60. What does Scarlett’s mother do when she returns with the man? What does the man tell them his name is? (page 225)
61. What advise does Nehemiah Trot give Bod? (page 232)
62. Why does Scarlett go to the library? (page 241)
63. What does Scarlett learn about Bod’s family? (page 244)
64. What does Scarlett tell Mr. Frost? (page 245)
65. Who lives in bod’s family house? (page 245)
66. Scarlett takes Bod to meet Mr. Frost. What do they talk about? (page 252-253)
67. Who is Mr. Frost? What does he try to do? (page 255)
68. How did Bod get away from the man called Jack? (page 256)
69. Who does Scarlett run into as she tries to escape from Jack Frost’s house? (page 257)
70. How does Scarlett get into the graveyard? (page 261)
71. Where does Bod hide Scarlett? (page 263)
72. How did Bod get rid of Jack Ketch? (page 267)
73. Who are these men that are after Bod? (page 270)
74. Why did the man named Jack kill bod’s family? (page 270-271)
75. How did Bod get rid of the 3 Jack’s? (page 272)
76. Bod sees the Sleer for the first time. What does he see? (page 283)
77. What did the Sleer do to Jack Frost? (page 284)
78. How does Scarlett react to what Bod has done to the men? (page 286)
79. What does Silas tell Scarlett? (page 287)
80. Silas takes Scarlett home. After talking to Scarlett’s mom what does she decide to do? (page 288)
81. Silas tells Bod he needs to leave the graveyard, why? (page 302)
82. What does Silas tell Bod about the Honour Guard? (page 302)
83. What does Silas tell Bod about himself and his past? (page 303)
84. What does Silas give Bod? (page 303)

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Touching Spirit Bear

Study Guide: Touching Spirit Bear, by: Ben Mikaelsen
Genre: Survival/Coming of age
Summary: ”At fifteen, Cole Matthews has been fighting and stealing for years. The punishment for smashing Peter Driscal’s skull into the sidewalk is harsh. This time, Cole will have to choose between prison and Native American Circle Justice. He will live either behind bars or in isolation for 1 year.”

Chapter 1:
Where is Cole being taken?
Who are the other 2 people on the boat with Cole?
What did Cole do to Edwin to try to make him angry?
Who were the only people Cole could trust?
Who is Peter Driscal? What happened to him?
Who is Nathaniel Blackwood?
What is Circle Justice?

Chapter 2:
What provisions did Edwin and Garvey make for Cole?
Cole pretended to go along with all of the requirements of circle justice. What wee his real intentions?
What is Devil’s Club?
What four things did Edwin tell Cole to learn?
What did Garvey give to Cole to take care of? What do the Tlingits call this?
What did Cole do when Garvey and Edwin drove away in their boat?
What did Edwin tell Cole about his treatment of the animals?

Chapter 3:
Why does Cole feel like nobody cares for him?
What does he tell Garvey that he hates about his life?
What secret about his dad does Cole reveal to Garvey?
When Cole’s mother knew what his dad was doing what did she do?
Explain what Garvey did with the contents of the brown paper bag.
Why do you think he did this? What was the purpose?
Describe the emotions Cole experiences in this chapter.
What does Cole do to escape the island?

Chapter 4:
As this chapter opens, Cole is swimming away from the island he has been banished to. What is his greatest danger at this point?
Who was involved in the Circle of Justice?
What did Cole do to Peter Driscal at this meeting and why did he stop?
The Keeper described Circle Justice-she said that justice often fails because it punishes rather than what? What is the purpose of Circle Justice?
What is the significance of the feather?
Tell how Cole’s mom, his dad, Cole, the lawyer, and Peter Driscal all responded when it was their turn to hold the feather.

Chapter 5:
Where did Cole end up swimming to?
When Cole becomes delirious what does he try to do?
When Cole awakens from his first night on the island, what does he see?
Why did the bear make him so angry?
When Cole heard what his father said at Circle Justice he exploded. Why?

Chapter 6:
As the chapter opens, Cole and his dad are having a very heated exchange of harsh words. Why were they out of line and what did the Keeper do?
Cole begged his mom to say something when she held the feather. What did he want her to say? Did she do it? Why or why not?
Peter’s lawyer said that any solution found by this Circle must do 2 things, what were they?
How does Cole’s dad deal with his anger?
Tell about the one time that Cole’s mom tried to intervene when Cole was being beaten.
What solution does Garvey come up with at the Circle Meeting to satisfy the Driscal’s lawyer and allow Cole not to be sentenced yet?
What does Garvey mean when he says: “If you go to jail, I won’t bet a nickel on your future”?

Chapter 7:
Why does Cole feel the need for a weapon? What does he make?
Cole feeds green wood into the fire to create a lot of smoke. Of what benefit is the smoke to him?
What does he do to satisfy his hunger?
What did he do when he saw the Spirit Bear at the mouth of the bay?
Why do you think he did this? What was he thinking?
Did this frighten the bear? Why or why not?

Chapter 8:
What does the Spirit Bear do when Cole charges him?
Describe the episode Cole has with the white bear.
What are the damages Cole endures?
When Cole realizes where he is, what are the seagulls doing?
How did Edwin tell Cole to live with the other creatures on the island? Is he doing this?
How are Edwin’s words proving to be true?
What emotion did he find more unbearable that the pain?

Chapter 9:
Cole is lying at the mouth of the bay as the chapter opens. What is the one end he believes he will come to?
Cole is obviously injured badly as he lies there on the edge of the bay. What other conditions make this even worse for him?
Cole’s bitterness and anger actually helped him keep from losing consciousness during this time. He was watching baby birds. What did he think he would do if he were the mother bird? Why did he feel this way?
The storm rages on and on until finally lightening strikes right beside him. What does it hit and what happens?
The author says that Cole had to focus on the moon to help him “remain on this side”. What does he mean by that?
Cole tried to remember what Garvey and Edwin had said about circles as he watched the moon. What had they told him?
What does Cole do at the end of the chapter that tells the reader he is beginning to learn and grow?

Chapter 10:
Cole is slipping in and out of consciousness as a new pain was building in his body. What happened to Cole that caused him “painful shame”?
When Cole finally found the baby birds, what had happened to them? Why was Cole envious of them?
Cole comes to the conclusion that he wants to live-why did he choose life over death?

Chapter 11:
Before Cole ate the mouse for energy he said he “pitied the little mouse”. How is this different from his attitude earlier in the story?
Cole felt satisfaction after he ate, explain why.
How did Cole get water?
Describe Cole’s emotions when the Spirit Bear returned.
Why did he spit at the bear?

Chapter 12:
Why did Cole cry when the Spirit Bear left him alone?
The Spirit Bear returns and this time Cole’s response is different. How?
Why did Cole reach out and touch the bear?
What does the bear do that Cole didn’t expect?
What does Cole discover about the world just as he was growing delirious?
What does Garvey believe happened to Cole?
How does he react when he realizes that a bear has attacked Cole?
What does Cole mean when he tells Garvey he is okay?

Chapter 13:
Who is Rosey?
Describe the difference in the way Cole treats Garvey and Edwin now and how he treated them in the first chapters.
Edwin, Garvey, and the nurse discuss Cole’s condition and Edwin says that he’ll be all right if he ever finds a reason to live. What did he mean by that?
Describe Cole’s nightmare. Who does he call out for?
Garvey admits that he is helping Cole for himself. Explain.
Rosey gives Cole good advice. What is it?
Why does Cole throw away his only proof that the Spirit Bear was real?

Chapter 14:
What did Cole’s dad do for him during his hospitalization? His mom?
Why did Garvey warn Cole that the healing of his physical wounds was the easy part?
What has happened to the at’oow at this point?
What has happened to Cole’s mom? Why is she doing so much better?
What information does his mom reveal to him about his dad?
What was Garvey’s surprise for Cole at the Circle Justice meeting?
What members of the circle were missing this time?

Chapter 15:
What did most members of the Circle believe should happen to Cole?
What information did Peter Driscal’s lawyer reveal about his recovery?
Describe Edwin’s demonstration for the circle.
What lesson did Edwin want the Circle members to gain from his demonstration?
What conditions for returning to the island did Edwin suggest to the members of Circle Justice?
Why did Cole say that on the island he “realized he was dying and I had never really even lived yet”?
Why was Cole’s father so angry and abusive?
What did Circle Justice decide to do with Cole?

Chapter 16:
What news does Garvey break to Cole once they are back on the island?
What does Edwin do to the skiff that demonstrates a lack of trust for Cole?
What does Cole learn about trust?
Why is “the whole world a hotdog”?
What were the words to the friendship song Garvey and Edwin were humming?
What did Edwin tell Cole to celebrate when Cole complained about nothing to celebrate?

Chapter 17:
What keep Cole awake all night the first night back on the island?
What new experiences did Edwin introduce Cole to at dawn? Why?
Describe Edwin’s demonstration for Cole with the stick. What lesson did he want Cole to learn?
Cole told Edwin that his demonstration with the stick made more sense than all the weird things the counselors and psychologists told him. Why did Edwin say that this was true?

Chapter 18:
Why wouldn’t Garvey and Edwin help Cole build his new cabin?
What were some of Cole’s responsibilities on the island to prepare for his banishment?
Who paid for all of the new supplies and cabin materials?
Why did Edwin insist that Cole do the whale dance?
What does each person do after his dance?
Why didn’t Edwin have Cole dance an anger dance to release his anger yet?
Cole wanted to skip a day of going to the water. When did Edwin say he could do that?
Describe what Edwin had Cole do to meet his ancestors and why he did it.
What does the rock become once it is set down? What was Cole suppose to imagine as the rock went rolling down the hill?

Chapter 19:
Cole sees a wolf along the shoreline. Garvey announces that to honor the animal they will do what?
What will be Cole’s last chore before leaving the island?
What happens when Cole announces he is hitting the sack for the night?
Why does Garvey tell Cole he is finished on the island?
When Cole apologized to Garvey and Edwin, what did they tell him?
What did Cole do after Garvey and Edwin went to bed? What did he learn?
What did Cole do the next morning?
What did he see at the end of the chapter?

Chapter 20:
What does Cole tell Garvey and Edwin he has learned when he returns to camp following his morning soak?
On page 169, Cole is glowing with satisfaction, why?
Describe the evening meal he prepared for Edwin and Garvey. Why did he do this?
What dance does Cole choose to do? Why?
Describe what Cole learned in this chapter.

Chapter 21:
Describe a day in Cole’s life on the island.
How did Cole get a log large enough for a totem pole?
What were his first thoughts about the log?
How did it make him feel when he was thinking about escape? What did he do about it?
What reason does Edwin give Cole that he isn’t seeing the Spirit Bear?
Why can’t Cole dance the dance of anger yet?

Chapter 22:
What does Cole carve first in his totem pole? Why?
Why does he carve the wolf next?
What does he learn from the beaver?
What about Edwin’s behavior troubles Cole when Edwin drops off supplies?

Chapter 23:
Cole finally discovers the secret of becoming invisible, what is it?
Describe Cole’s experience of becoming invisible. Did he get what he wanted from this experience?
How did he celebrate his ability to become invisible?
Which dance was Cole finally able to perform? Describe what happened during this dance?
When Cole cried out “I’m sorry!” which people do you believe he was apologizing to?
He also came to a final point where he began to cry and cried loudly “I forgive you!” Who did he forgive? Why?
What did Cole learn in this chapter?

Chapter 24:
Cole learned something very critical about his anger-what was it?
What is it that Cole had to discover before he could heal his wounded heart and broken spirit?
What does Edwin reveal to Cole as the reason for Garvey and him to be helping Cole as much as they are?
How does Cole celebrate Christmas?
What word does Edwin bring Cole about Peter in February?
Why does Edwin believe Peter tried to take his own life?
Why is saying he was sorry not enough to help Peter?
What solution does Cole come up with to help Peter?

Chapter 25:
How does Edwin respond to Cole’s idea to bring Peter to the island?
Why does Edwin tell Cole that he and Garvey are proud of him?
How long is Cole willing to stay on the island in order to help Peter?
What surprise do Edwin and Garvey bring Cole?
What does Cole tell everyone about the island?
Edwin forces Cole to tell the group why he hasn’t carved the bottom of the totem pole yet. What does he tell them? How does Peter respond?

Chapter 26:
Describe how Cole treated his guests the first night they were on the island?
Where does Edwin have Cole sleep? Why?
What are Cole’s thoughts as he soaks in the pond the next day?
What is Peter’s attitude about staying on the island with Cole?
When Cole is frustrated that Peter doesn’t appreciate what he is trying to do, what does Garvey remind him of?
Peter is confused about how to respond to Cole-he does some strange things. He is nasty and nice. What threatening things does he do?
What kindness does he extend to Cole?

Chapter 27:
Describe Peter’s behavior toward Cole.
What was the last straw for Cole?
How does Cole respond? What kindness does he show Peter?
Why did they dance the mouse dance? What did they learn?
What did Garvey tell Cole when Cole said that Peter would never forgive him?
How does Cole explain to Peter why he threw away proof that he had been mauled by a white bear?
What does Peter do to Cole’s totem while he and Garvey are out looking for whales?

Chapter 28:
What does Peter propose for their morning soak?
Describe his treatment of Cole. Why do you think he did this?
How did Cole respond?
What did the boys carve together at the bottom of Cole’s totem? Why?

English 1 SE Reading Guide: The Big Mouth & Ugly Girl

Big Mouth & Ugly Girl
Study Guide

“Why do old people who’ve known you since infancy think they actually know you and can say insulting things?”

Directions: For each question or statement, fill in the blank or write a short answer. The page numbers are listed so you can find the page the information is located on. These notes will be used to study for the quiz at the end of the book.

1. (p. 3) Rocky River High School is in ____________________________ County.
2. (p. 12) List 2 characteristics of Ursula Riggs and 2 characteristics of Ugly Girl
a. Ursula Riggs
b. Ugly Girl
3. (p. 12) Ugly Girl’s moods range from________ _________ to _________ _________.
4. (p. 9) How would you describe Ugly Girl as the captain of the basketball team?
(p. 21) Describe Ursula’s relationship with her Dad.

6. (p. 26) Rumors are spread that Matt Donaghy _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________.
7. (p. 26-28) What was Ugly Girl’s reaction when she heard the rumor about Donaghy?

(p. 42) Describe some characteristics of Matt Donaghy.

9. (p. 43-44) Matt has a talent for_________________________________________.
10. (p. 49-52) In what ways can we tell that Ursula and her mother do not have the best relationship?

11. (p. 56) Ursula e-mailed Matt stating ____________________________________.
12. (p. 57) What did the authorities/school decide to do with Matt? ____________________________________________________________________
13. (p. 59) Did anyone of Matt’s friends e-mail him back? ________
14. (p. 61) Pumpkin is the name of ___________ ___________.
(p. 67-68) What does Ursula’s mother think about Ursula’s decision to talk to authorities?

16. (p. 74) _________________ and _________________ came forward stating that Matt was falsely accused.
17. (p. 82) What happened to the charges against Matt?

18. (p. 85) How did Ursula act when Matt said, “Hi.” in school?

19. (p. 89) What did Matt end up doing with his e-mail to Ursula?

20. (pgs. 93 & 94) Why was Ugly Girl uncomfortable in the lunchroom when she was talking with her friends from the basketball team?

21. (pgs. 95 & 96) What did Matt go talk to Mr. Bernhardt about?

22. (p. 99) Why didn't Mr. Steiner want to print Matt's article in the school newspaper?

23. (p. 105 & 106) Matt's parents were telling him everything would be “O.K.” How did Matt's parents talk about things when they thought Matt couldn't hear them?

24. (p. 113) Why doesn't Ugly Girl like the Brewer twins?

25. (pg 124) Why does Matt's mom want to move away from Rocky River?

26. (pg 149 & 150) What happened when Matt went for a walk in the forest preserve?

27. Matt and Ursula write about many things when they email each other. Name three important things.
● (pg 162) ________________________________________________________
● (pg 168) ________________________________________________________
● (pg 168) ________________________________________________________
28. (pg 179) What are Ursula and her mother fighting about?

(pg. 185-187) The students at Rocky River High are shocked by whose relationship?

(pg. 188) What news does Ursula give Matt that upsets him?

(pg. 204-206) How do Matt and Ursula become friends again?

(pg. 211) Who gets kidnapped?

(pg. 232) Who does Ursula accuse of the kidnapping?

(pg. 240) Does Ursula rejoin the basketball team?

(pg. 246) Everyone think that it is a routine fire drill, what is it actually?

(pg. 249) Why was Matt taken into protective custody?

(pg. 251) Who really called in the bomb threat?

(pg. 251) How did the cops figure it out?

(pg. 252) Did Matt’s parents decide to drop the lawsuit?