Thursday, July 08, 2010

English 1 Reading Guide: The Hunger Games

Directions: Answer the questions as you read. Answers can be found on the pages listed.
1. (page 4) Where does the narrator live? What type of work do the men and women do?
2. (page 5) The District is surrounded by an electric fence to keep wild animals out. The fence is only electrified for 2-3 hours per night so it is easy to slip under and reach the woods. The wild animals roam and provide food if you know how to hunt. Who taught the narrator to hunt? What happened to this person.
3. (page 5) What weapon does the narrator use to hunt? How did she get this weapon?
4. Trespassing in the woods is illegal and so is hunting. Why do the Peacekeepers "turn a blind eye to the few who hunt?
5. (page 6) Who is the only one with whom the narrator can be herself?
6. (page 7) What is the narrator's name? What does Gale call her?
7. (page 8) Describe Katniss's mother's background.
8. (page 9) Gale suggests that he and Katniss could run off and live in the woods. What makes them decide to stay at District 12?
9. (page 10) Describe Gale and Katniss's relationship.
10. (page 13) How does the reaping system work?
11. (page 13) The poor and starving can add their names more than once in exchange for what?
12. (page 18) Explain what happened during the dark days.
13. (page 18) Explain the terms of the Treaty of Treason.
14. (page 18) What are the rules of the hunger games?
15. (pages 18-19) What is the purpose of the Hunger Games?
16. (page 19) What does the Capitol do to make the Hunger Games humiliating?
17. (page 19) What does the winner receive?
18. (page 20) What is the name of the girl chosen from District 12? Who is she?
19. (page 22) What does Katniss do when Prim's name is called?
20. (page 25) What is the name of the boy from District 12 who is selected for the Hunger Games?
21. (page 27) Why did Katniss have to take over as head of the family at age 11?
22. (pages 28-31) Describe Katniss's encounter with Peeta.
23. (page 35) What instructions does Katniss give her mother?
24. (page 72) How did the audience respond to Katniss and Peeta during the opening ceremony?
25. (page 77) What is an Avox?
26. (page 82) What story does Katniss tell Peeta about what she and Gale saw in the woods?
27. (page 90) What did Peeta's mother say to him before he left for the Games? Who was she referring to?
28. (page 97) The tributes attend training before going to the Games. The Gamemakers show up early on the first day of training. What do the Career Tributes do to show superiority?
29. (page 100) What happens on the third day of training?
30. (page 102) How does Katniss respond when she realizes that the Gamemakers are not paying attention to her shooting?
31. (page 103) What does Katniss fear will happen as a result of her behavior?
32. (page 104) What is the purpose of the Gamemakers giving each tribute a score?
33. (page 105) How can the scores help?
34. (page 107) What does Haymitch think will happen to Katniss as a result of her shooting the arrow at the Gamemakers?
35. (page 108) What score does Peeta get? What score does Katniss get?
36. (page 112) Describe the relationship Katniss has with Gale.
37. (page 118) All of the tributes must be interviewed. As hard as Haymitch tries he is unable to create an image for Katniss. In his frustration what does he finally tell Katniss to do during the interview?
38. (page 118) After the session with Haymitch, where does Katniss have dinner? What does she do after dinner?
39. (pages 118-119) What does Katniss tell the girl with the red hair? How does the girl respond to Katniss's request?
40. (page 119) How does this girl make Katniss feel?
41. (page 124) Who is Caesar Flickman?
42. (page 126) How does Rue (the girl from District 11) conduct herself at the interview? What does she say is her greatest strength that she will use in the arena?
43. (page 126) Thresh is the boy from District 11. Describe him.
44. (page 128) How does Katniss behave during her interview?
45. (page 129) Caesar asks Katniss what her sister said to her after the reaping. What does she tell him?
46. (page 130) What does Peeta say at the end of his interview that surprises everyone? Who is he talking about?
47. (page 134) How does Katniss behave toward Peeta?
48. (page 135) What reason does Haymitch give for telling Peeta to share his feelings for Katniss?
49. (page 136) What does Katniss realize about the audiences' reaction to Peeta's confession of love for Katniss?
50. (page 137) How does Katniss feel when Peeta returns to the table with his hands bandaged?
51. (page 138) What is Haymitch's final piece of advice?
52. (pages 143-144) Where does he put the tracker? What is the purpose of the tracker?
53. (page 144) Where is Katniss taken for final preparations? What is this place referred to by the districts?
54. (page 146) What are Cinna's final words for Katniss?
55. (page 150) Before the Games begin the tributes stand on individual metal circles for 1 minute. They stand around the Cornucopia that is filled with many different supplies. What happens when Katniss goes for the bright orange backpack.
56. (page 152) How do the tributes learn how many tributes have been killed?
57. (page 153) How do the tributes learn who has been killed?
58. (page 154) Did Katniss follow Haymitch's advice?
59. (page 156) Where does Katniss sleep at night?
60. (page 158) What wakes Katniss?
61. (page 159) What does Katniss discover about some of the tributes?
62. (page 160) At the bottom of page 160, who are the tributes talking about? Whose voice does Katniss hear?
63. (page 162) What do the Career Tributes discuss once Peeta is out of earshot?
64. (page 162) What does Peeta tell the Careers when he retuns?
65. (page 163) Why are the tributes worried about Katniss?
66. (page 165) Why is Katniss in trouble?
67.n (page 178) Just as Katniss feels the end is near, what does she find?
68. (page 171) What awakes Katniss?
69. (page 173) Who started the fire? Why?
70. (page 176) What happens to Katniss as she tries to escape the fire?
71. (page 177) Sometimes the Gamemakers will kill a tribute. Why?
72. (page 182) What does Katniss do when the Careers reach the tree she is hiding in?
73. (pages 183-184) Whose eyes does Katniss see in the next tree?
74. (page 185) What does Rue point out to Katniss?
75. (pages 187-188) What is the first sponsor gift that Katniss receives?
76. (page 190) What does Katniss do with the wasp nest?
77. (page 191) What happens to Glimmer?
78. (page 193) What does Katniss take from Glimmer?
79. (page 193) Who comes crashing through the trees toward Katniss? What does he do?
80. (page 194) What does Katniss realize about Peeta?
81. (page 197) Katniss has a new perspective on the Games, why?
82. (page 200) What does Katniss suggest to Rue?
83. (page 200) What does Rue do to fix Katniss's stings?
84. (page 201) Why does Katniss want Rue for an ally?
85. (page 202) Rue comes from the agricultural district but she tells Katniss that they don't have much food, why?
86. (page 203) What does Katniss realize about her own district and how they treat people who break the law?
87. (page 210) What does Katniss decide must be done to slow down the Careers?
88. (page 216) What does Katniss discover the Careers have done that will make destroying the supplies difficult?
89. (page 216) What has Cato done to Peeta?
90. (page 219) After watching the girl, Foxface, Katniss realizes what the trap is, what is it?
91. (pages 220-221) What does Katniss do to destroy the Careers supplies?
92. (page 223) What happens to Katniss as a result of the explosions?
93. (page 223) Where does Katniss go after the explosions?
94. (page 231) How does Katniss know that Rue has run into trouble?
95. (page 232) What happens when Katniss finds Rue?
96. (page 233) What does Katniss do to the boy that speared Rue?
97. (page 237) Katniss stays with Rue until she dies. What does she do to the body after Rue dies?
98. (page 238) Katniss rceives her second gift rom a sponsor, what is it?
99. (page 243) Why is Katniss so distubed by killing the boy who killed Rue?
100. (page 244) Claudius Templesmith announces a rule change, what is the change?
101. (page 252) Who does Katniss find? Where is he?
102. (page 253) What condition is Peeta in when Katniss finds him?
103. (page 256) What does Katniss find when she exposes Peeta's wound?
104. (page 257) How does Katniss treat Peeta's wound?
105. (page 259) Where do Katniss and Peeta hide out?
106. (page 260) Not only is Peeta wounded, he is sick. How sick is he?
107. (page 261) Katniss receives a 3rd gift from sponsors, what is it?
108. (page 265) What does Katniss find when she checks Peeta's wound?
109. (page 273) Katniss is awakened to the sound of trumpets. What announcement does Templesmith make?
110. (page 274) Katniss waves off the invitation. What does Templesmith tell them they will find at the feast?
111. (page 274) How does Peeta react to the invitation to the feast?
112. (pages 274-275) How does Peeta react when Katniss tells him she is going?
113. (page 275) What is the deal they make?
114. (page 276) What gift does Katniss receive from the sponsors?
115. (page 276) What does Katniss discover when she takes a sniff of the medicine?
116. (page 277) What does Katniss do to make sure Peeta takes the medicine? How does this make her feel?
117. (page 279) What does Katniss identify as her greatest asset?
118. (page 283) Describe what happens when Katniss runs to the table to get her backpack.
119. (page 284) Katniss reaches the table and grabs the backpack. What happens to her when she turns to fire another arrow?
120. What does Clove do to Katniss?
121. (pages 286-287) Who saves Katniss from Clove? Why does he do this?
122. (page 287) What does Thresh do to Clove?
123. (page 288) Why does Thresh let Katniss go?
124. (page 289) What does Katniss find in the backpack?
125. (page 297) What does Katniss realize about her feelings for Peeta?
126. (page 300) What does Peeta tell Katniss about his feelings and his father's feelings?
127. (page 302) What do Katniss and Peeta find inside the silver parachute?
128. (page 311) Katniss begins to realize that she may win the Games. What thoughts does she have about returning home?
129. (page 319) What kills Foxface?
130. (pages 326-327) What do the Gamemakers do to drive the tributes to the lake? Why do they want them at the lake?
131. (page 329) What happens when Katniss shoots an arrow at Peeta?
132. (page 331) What is running toward the tributes.
133. (pages 333-334) What does Katniss discover about the mutts?
134. (page 336) How does Katniss get Peeta away from Cato?
135. (page 341) How does Katniss finally get rid of Cato?
136. (page 342) What announcement does Claudius Templesmith make?
137. (page 344) What do Katniss and Peeta do in response to this announcement?
138. (page 345) How does Claudius respond to this behavior?
139. (page 351) What does Katniss discover about her skin when she wakes up?
40. (pages 356-357) Why is Katniss in trouble with the Capitol?
141. (page 357) According to Haymitch what is Katniss's only defense?
142. (page 358) Katniss feels that the situation she is in is so much worse than being hunted in the arena, why?
143. (page 369) How does Katniss answer the question of what was going on in her mind when she was about to eat the berries?
144. (page 371) How is Katniss feeling about Gale?
145. (page 374) Peeta takes Katniss's hand one last time for the audience. How does Katniss feel?


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