Monday, July 21, 2008

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Elsewhere

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Elsewhere
Directions: Answer the questions as you read the book. Refer to the page numbers listed at the end of the question.
1. When we first meet Liz she is on a ship in the middle of the ocean. Where is the ship headed?
2. Who is Thandi? (page 11)
3. Who is Curtis Jest? (pages 18-19)
4. How did Thandi get the hole in her head? (page 26)
5. How did Curtis Jest die? (page 33)
6. How did Liz die? (page 33)
7. Who greets Liz when she arrives in Elsewhere? (page 42)
8. On the drive to her home, Betty explains how Elsewhere operates. What does she tell Liz? (page 50-51)
9. How does Liz react to the customs of Elsewhere?
10. On her first day at Elsewhere, Betty takes Liz to the Registry. She learns more about the customs. What does she learn about making contact with people on Earth? (page 69)
11. Everyone must choose an advocation. What is an advocation? (page 69)
12. What is the official definition of acclimation? (page 70)
13. Who is Aldous Ghent? (page 71)
14. What does Liz learn about her accident from Aldous Ghent? (page 73)
15. How did Aldous and his wife die? (page 74)
16. What kind of work does Liz think she would like to do? (page 75)
17. What does Liz realize about her life on earth? (page 77)
18. What is the Sneaker Clause? (page 77)
19. What does Liz learn about her old life and God from Aldous? (page 78)
20. What job does Aldous suggest to Liz? (page 83)
21. Elsewhere doesn’t have a need for doctors or veterinarians. There is a need for what type of professionals? (page 85)
22. How is Liz’s family handling her death? (page 91)
23. Describe a typical day for Liz at Elsewhere. (page 94)
24. How is Liz’s family coping? (page 95)
25. Why did Liz stay away from the Observation Deck for 3 days? (page 105)
26. Who is Liz searching for? (page 111)
27. What does Esther tell Liz when she asks about contacting the living? (page 112)
28. Why is Thandi angry at Liz? (page 114)
29. What does Curtis Jest tell Liz when she asks him about contacting the living? (page 115)
30. What is the Well? (page 116)
31. While Liz is planning how she will get to the Well, what is Betty doing? (page 119)
32. What is Liz realizing about her accident? (page 124)
33. What decision does Liz make? (page 125)
34. How did Sadie die? (page 131)
35. As a counselor for Division of Domestic Animals what does Liz have to do? (page 133)
36. How does Liz like her job? (page 137)
37. What is bothering Liz? (page 139)
38. Why does Liz want to go to the Well? (page 140)
39. What happens to Liz at the Well? (page 143)
40. Who is Owen Welles? (page 143)
41. Does Alvey find the sweater? (page 145)
42. Why is it harmful to contact the living? (page 145)
43. What is Liz’s punishment? (page 148)
44. What does Betty tell Liz to do to help her miss earth less? (page 152)
45. Why is Liz so concerned about her broken watch back on earth? (page 154)
46. How did Owen Welles die? (page 156)
47. How did he respond to his death? (page 156)
48. Why did Owen take a dive in the Well? (page 158)
49. What does Liz do to show Owen her appreciation? (page 160)
50. After the Thanksgiving meal Owen helps Liz clean up. What does Liz learn about Owen? (page 165-166)
51. What is Watcher Syndrome? (page 168)
52. What does Owen mean when he says he is “wasting his death”? What does he decide to do? (page 169)
53. How does Owen ask Liz over for dinner? (page 173)
54. What favor does Liz ask of Owen? (page 175)
55. Why does Thandi think Liz is having difficulty grasping parallel parking? (page 177)
56. What does Liz ask Curtis? How does he respond? (page 180)
57. What do Liz and Owen confess to each other? (page 184)
58. Where does Owen take Liz? (page 187)
59. Where does Liz want Owen to get a tattoo? What would it say? (page 187)
60. Who was Thandi on earth? (page 189)
61. Who is on the list of arrivals? (page 190)
62. What is Owen going to do? (page 192)
63. How did Emily die? (page 194)
64. What does Owen do with Jen? Why? (page 197)
65. Liz is upset. What does Betty suggest? (page 203)
66. Why does Liz rush over to Owen’s house? (page 204)
67. What happens on the porch? Who is watching? (page 206)
68. Why does Aldous come to visit Liz? (page 208)
69. What is Liz’s answer? (page 209)
70. Who does Liz share her plan with? (page 210)
71. What explanation does Curtis give Liz for why he doesn’t sing? (page 211)
72. What decision do Emily and Owen make? Why? (page 214)
73. What begins to happen as soon as Emily leaves? (page 215)
74. Who tells Betty what Liz plans to do? (page 219)
75. Why does Liz decide at the last minute that she doesn’t want to return to earth? (page 220)
76. What do Owen, Betty, and Curtis decide to do? (page 221)
77. How does Liz break free? (page 226)
78. What does Curtis come to talk to Liz about? (page 230)
79. How does Betty react when Liz tells her how Curtis feels? (page 232)
80. What awakens Liz and Betty in the night? (page 232)
81. Liz receives a message in a bottle. Who is it from and what does it say? (page 242)
82. Why do Liz and Owen go to the Well? (page 247)
83. What happens at the Well? (page 248)
84. Who finally hears Liz? (page 251)
85. How did he hear her? (page 253)
86. After Sadie is released, Liz tells Betty she will never have another dog. What causes her to change her mind? (page 261)
87. Why didn’t Amadou Bonamy stop when he hit Liz with his cab? (page 265)
88. Why does Liz have Owen read to her? (page 268-269)
89. Who attends Liz’s release? (page 271)
90. How does Betty recognize Liz’s “rebirth”? (page 272)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Invisible

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Invisible
Directions: Answer the questions as you read the book. Refer to the page number(s) listed at the end of each question.
1. Who is Doug’s best friend? (page 2)
2. Next to Andy, what is the most important thing in Doug’s life? (page 2)
3. How does Doug describe himself? (page 2)
4. What extracurricular activities is Andy involved with?
5. What is Doug’s full and proper name? (page 4)
6. How does Doug’s mom view him? (page 5)
7. What is Doug building in the basement? What type of building material is he using? (page 6)
8. What is Madham? (page 7)
9. What does Doug believe is the key to his success? (page 8)
10. What did Doug and Andy build in the woods? (page 10)
11. What does Doug’s dad wear when he is mowing the lawn? What is his reason for always wearing the same thing? (page 12 & 13)
12. Describe the difference between Doug’s dad’s behavior at work and at home. (page 13)
13. Who lived in the Tuttle place? (page 17)
14. Why is Doug’s mom so worried about him? (page 20)
15. Who is Dr. Eleanor Ahlstrom? (page 22)
16. What does Andy say that makes Doug rather angry? (page 24)
17. According to Doug what is the secret to staying best friends? (page 25)
18. What is the name of the girl that Doug has a crush on? On a scale of 1-10, Doug says she is a 9.7. What prevents her from being a perfect 10? (page 26)
19. What name does this girl call Doug? (page 28)
20. What gift did Andy give Doug the last time they were in the tree house together? (page 38)
21. Why did Doug build a fire in the tree house? (page 40)
22. Why was this the last trip to the tree house? (page 41)
23. Do you think Andy and Doug have an unhealthy relationship with fire? (page 44)
24. What is Doug working on in art class? (page 45)
25. Where does Doug go at night when he sneaks out of the house? (page 48)
26. What warning does Andy give him? (page 49)
27. The Madham bridge is supposed to be an exact replica of what famous bridge? (page 51)
28. What is each part of the bridge made out of? (page 52)
29. Who is George Fuller? Where does he live? (page 57)
30. What does Doug’s dad do when he is angry? (page 58)
31. What is Andres Doris Louis-Hanson’s profession? (page 60)
32. How does Doug’s mom react when he tells her that Andy is coming over for the test run after the bridge is finished? (page 62)
33. Why does Doug think he is unappealing? (page 63)
34. What happens in the lunchroom between Doug and Melissa? (page 65)
35. Is Doug proud of his bridge? How can you tell? (page 67)
36. What happened when Doug started taking Proloftin? (page 71)
37. What number keeps coming up in this book? (page 72)
38. What happens when Doug is spying on Melissa? What does Doug do? (pages 72-73)
39. Why do the police go to Doug’s house? Does anyone get arrested? (page 75)
40. What happens to Doug in the lunchroom? (page 80-81)
41. What happens to Doug when he is walking home from school? (page 84)
42. Describe Doug’s injuries. (page 86)
43. Who visits Doug at the hospital after visiting hours are over? (page 88)
44. How do the students react when Doug returns to school after the attack? (page 94)
45. Were the boys that beat up Doug punished? Why or why not? (page 96)
46. What did the principal and guidance counselor do to try and make things easier for Doug? (page 96)
47. What is Doug’s sigil? (page 100)
48. What does Doug do that causes a lot of disruption at school? (page 104)
49. The school officials know that Doug called in the bomb threat. What action will the school be taking against him? (page 112)
50. Legally what could happen to Doug? (page 112)
51. Doug never gives in he continues to claim his innocence. Who does he say made the call? (page 113)
52. How does Dr. Ahlstrom respond when Doug tells her that Andy called in the bomb threat? (page 116)
53. What happened to Andy? (page 118)
54. What does the doctor do to help Doug? (page 119)
55. What happened to the pocket knife that Andy gave to Doug? (page 123)
56. What does Doug do to his bridge? (page 123)
57. Where do Doug’s parents want to take him? Why? (page 127)
58. When Doug visits St. Stephen’s Academy he doesn’t see any students. Why? (page 135)
59. How does Doug feel about attending St. Stephen’s Academy? (page 137)
60. What happens to Doug if doesn’t attend St. Stephen’s Academy? (page 138)
61. What does Doug put on all the train cars and engines? (page 140)
62. Who does Doug want at the inaugural crossing of the bridge? (page 140)
63. What cargo are the tank cars carrying? What is the Coalveyor carrying? (page 143)
64. What does Doug think will happen once he is sent away? How will others react? (page 143)
65. Is the bridge crossing a success? Explain. (page 144)
66. How does the fire in the basement start? (page 144-145)
67. What happens to Doug in the end?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Enders Game

English 1 SE Reading Guide: Ender’s Game
Directions: Answer the questions as you read the book. The answers can be found on the page number(s) provided after each statement.
Chapter 1: Third
1. Discuss the significance of Ender’s monitor.
2. Discuss the problems Ender faces as a “third.”
3. Write three passages describing Ender’s intelligence.
4. How old is Ender? Are his actions appropriate for his age?
5. Describe the fight with Stilson.
Chapter 2: Peter
1. Describe Peter. How does he feel about Ender? Be thorough in your answer, as this will change.
2. “Buggers” is the word used to refer to the aliens that have attached the earth on 2 previous occasions. Describe the buggers as you understand them from this chapter.
3. When Ender goes to Battle School who does he miss the most?

Chapter 3: Graff
1. What does is first seem Graff has arrived to do? What does he really want?
2. Why must Ender’s parents let him go?
3. “It wasn’t a charade, Mrs. Wiggin. Until we knew what Ender’s motivation was, we couldn’t be sure he wasn’t another—we had to know what the action meant.” What word did Graff mean to end his original thought with? Why did he have to be sure of Ender’s motivation?
4. Graff says Ender must volunteer to go to Battle School, and he personally tells Ender many reasons which might convince Ender not to go. What aspects of Battle School does Graff warn Ender about?
5. Why are Ender’s parents uncertain about his going to Battle School?
6. Describe Valentine. How does she feel about Ender? Why wasn’t she chosen for Battle School?
7. Explain how Ender is a composite between Peter and Valentine.
8. Why does Ender ultimately choose to go with Graff?
Chapter 4: Launch
1. How does Ender differ from the 19 boys in his launch group?
2. What does Ender’s understanding about gravity reveal about Ender’s ability to think? How might this benefit him in outer space?
3. What effect does Graff’s statement That Ender will be a commander while the other boys are still learning have? How does Ender feel about this statement?
4. Why doesn’t Graff stop the boy from hitting Ender on the head? What happens to the boy?
Chapter 5: Games
1. Who is Dap? Why is he important to the Launches?
2. Write 3 passages describing Ender’s isolation.
3. What advise does Mick give Ender? How does Ender feel about Mick?
4. Of what importance are the games the boys play? How does Ender do at these games?
5. Who becomes Ender’s first friend? Under what circumstances?
6. How does Ender overcome Bernard’s malice?
Chapter 6: The Giants Drink
1. Describe the battle room. What importance do gravity, lasers, and spacesuits have there?
2. How do Ender and Alai become friends? What is surprising about Ender’s friendship with Alai?
3. Who do the boys choose to be their launch leader? Why does their choice seem to be appropriate?
4. Describe the computer game. Why can’t Ender beat the giant at first? What lesson does this teach Ender?
Chapter 7: Salamander
1. Why is Ender promoted? What is surprising about his promotion?
2. Describe the computer game now that Ender has beaten the giant. How does Ender identify with the children in the game?
3. Why is Petra Arkanian exactly the wrong kind of friend to have? What valuable skill does she eventually teach Ender?
4. What lesson does Ender learn from Bonzo Madrid about being a commander? What instructions does Bonzo give Ender about battles?
5. Why are adults the real enemies?
6. Why does Ender practice with his original Launchie group? What sorts of things does he teach them? How does Bonzo feel about Ender’s practices?
7. Discuss Salamander’s battle with Condor. What does Ender realize at its conclusion?
8. Why does Ender become suddenly homesick?
9. Discuss Salamander’s battle with leopard. How does Bonzo react to Ender’s action during the battle?

Chapter 8: Rat
1. How is Rat army different from Salamander?
2. What surprising information does Dink Meeker relay to Ender?
3. Why is Ender’s feet first attack position so effective in battle?
4. Describe Rat’s battle with Centipede? How does Ender turn Rose’s foolish order to his advantage?
5. What do Ender and Dink talk about as they float in the battleroom’s anti gravity. What surprising opinion does Dink have about the Bugger Invasion? Does Ender believe him?
6. Describe the other commanders’ attempts to stop Ender’s practices with the Launchies.
7. Describe where Ender is in the computer game. What does he see in the mirror after he defeats the snake? How does he react?

Chapter 9: Locke and Demosthenes
1. Why did the Wiggin family move from the city to rural North Carolina?
2. Explain how the following people perceive Peter: his parents, his teachers, Valentine.
3. Valentine says “to keep herself safe, all she had to do was make sure it was more in Peter’s interest to keep her alive than to have her dead.” How is she valuable to Peter?
4. What is Peter’s plan to change the world? How does he manipulate Valentine into helping him? What is her role in his scheme?
5. What is Peter’s “greatest gift”?
6. What names do Peter and Valentine establish for themselves on the net? Why does they need false identities?
7. Why is Valentine so upset that her father agrees with Demosthenes?
8. How has Ender gained the respect of everyone at the Battle School? What has he lost?
9. Describe THE END OF THE WORLD game on Ender’s computer game. What part of the game can he not defeat?
10. Why does Valentine think the I.F. is at her school? What does Graff really want?
11. Why, according to Valentine, does Ender see Peter in the mirror?
12. How does Ender respond to the letter from Valentine? Why?
13. How does Ender defeat the snake? What does he see when he looks in the mirro afterward?

Chapter 10: Dragon
1. Names are exchanged in the introductory dialogue to this chapter. Who has been talking about Ender?
2. What army is Ender given to command? Why was this name retired in the past?
3. Why did Graff give Ender all new soldiers he had not worked with before?
4. Which way is the enemies gate?
5. In what ways does Ender treat bean exactly the way Graff treated Ender when he came to Battle School? How does Ender’s discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff?
6. Starting with this chapter, pay attention to how the teachers change the rules. What rules are changed and why do you think the teachers change them?
Chapter 11: Veni Vidi Vici
1. What lessons does Ender learn from his battle with Rabbit Army?
2. Where is Dragon army ranked after their battle with Rabbit?
3. How does Ender’s friendship with Dink and Petra change?
4. How does Ender inspire confidence and loyalty in the soldiers in his army?
5. Why does Ender begin to watch the propaganda videos from the First and Second Invasions?
6. Why do Graff and Anderson question Ender seven days after his first battle?
7. Describe Dragon’s battle with Salamander. How does Ender insult Bonzo Madrid’s Spanish honor?
8. Why do most kids think the game is important? What does Ender reveal to Bean about the game’s importance?
9. What does Ender ask Bean to do? Why does he choose Bean for this task?
10. What rules are changed, and why do you think the teachers change them?

Chapter 12: Bonzo
1. Why won’t the adults save Ender from Bonzo? Does Ender think the teachers will save him from real danger?
2. What warning does Petra give Ender? Is he surprised?
3. How many boys came to beat Ender up in the shower? How does Ender control the situation so he only has to fight one?
4. Who comes to save Ender? How does his intervention ensure Ender’s death?
5. How is the fight with Bonzo similar to the earlier fight with Stilson?
6. Why does Ender cry after the fight with Bonzo?
7. Describe Dragon’s battle with Griffin and Tiger. What does Ender decide after this battle?
8. What happens to all of the soldiers in Dragon Army? What happens to Ender?

Chapter 13: Valentine
1. Why has Ender been on earth for 2 months instead of the originally planned 3 days?
2. Why has Ender won every fight he has had according to him?
3. Why does Ender hate himself?
4. Ender says he doesn’t want to beat Peter. What does he want? Does Valentine think this is likely?
5. On which planet is I.F. Command? Why won’t the pilot of the ship be able to leave once he arrives?
6. What information does Graff share with Ender about the buggers?
7. What is the Third Invasion? What does everyone else think it is?
8. What does an ansible do?
9. Why are we fighting the buggers?

Chapter 14: Ender’s Teacher
1. Why doesn’t Ender like Eros?
2. What is the simulator?
3. Who is Ender’s teacher? Why was he chosen? How does he explain the fact that he is still alive?
4. Why does Mazer Rackham say that “there is no teacher but the enemy”? Do you agree with him?
5. Why does Mazer Rackham beat Ender physically? What lesson is he trying to teach?
6. How did Mazer Rackham defeat the buggers in the second invasion? The third invasion?
7. What was the purpose of the First Invasion? The Second Invasion? The Third Invasion?
8. What/who is Dr. Device?
9. Who are Ender’s squad leaders when he begins training with Mazer Rackham?
10. What according to Mazer, are Ender’s advantages and disadvantages when he faces the bugger fleet?
11. “But as their trust in Ender as a commander grew their friendship gradually disappeared…Ender was their teacher and commander, as distant from them as Mazer was from him”…Why must Ender be isolated from friends? What dangers could arise from having “friendship” with those you must lead?
12. What happens to Petra?
13. Describe Ender’s “final examination.” How does Ender win? How is this victory like every other victory he has ever had? What does Ender discover after it is done?

Chapter 15: Speaker for the Dead
1. What is Graff going to do know that the war is over? What is Anderson going to do?
2. Why can’t Ender come back to earth?
3. What happens to Locke and Demosthenes?
4. How did Valentine win her and Ender’s freedom from Peter? What does Valentine intend to do?
5. Why does Ender want to go to the buggers’ home world?
6. How did the buggers control Ender’s computer game? What does he find when he looks behind the mirror?
7. Why did Ender refer to himself as the Speaker for the Dead? Whose deaths does he speak?
8. What mission does Ender go on at the end of the book?

Additional Questions to consider:
1. What is a toon?
2. What is the time period when this story takes place?
3. Where were Ender and his family from?
4. What had to happen in order to beat the enemy?
5. As Ender progressed at Battles School, what did he see as his biggest enemy?

English 1 SE Reading Guide: The Body of Christopher Creed

English 1SE Reading Guide: “The Body of Christopher Creed”
Directions: Fill in this reading guide as you read referring to the pages listed with each question.
1. Who is narrating the story?
2. What school does Torey attend senior year? (page 1)
3. Describe Victor “Torey” Adams. (page 5)
4. What was the weirdest fact about Chris Creeds’ disappearance? (page 12)
5. How do people know that Chris was not abducted? (page 13)
6. How does Torey describe the behavior of the “small town” people? (page 20)
7. Who are the members of Torey’s band?
8. What happened to Christopher Creed? (page 21)
9. What rumor leaked out about what may have happened to Chris? (page 22)
10. Who did Chris send his note to? What did the note reveal? (page 23)
11. Who are the boons? (page 26)
12. The boons would beat up kids that were weird or had a big mouth. What did Bo Richardson (one of the real scary boons) do to Chris Creed? (page 26)
13. What happened between Torey and Chris Creed in the 6th grade? (page 30)
14. What did the kids do to Creed when they caught him sucking his thumb? (pages 30-31)
15. What do Torey’s parents do for a living? (page 35-36)
16. What do Alex’s parents do for a living? (page 36)
17. What do Ryan’s parents do for a living? (page 36)
18. Summarize the contents of the note Chris Creed emailed to Mr. Ames. (pages 36-37)
19. What do Chris’ parents do for a living? (page 39)
20. Who is Ali McDermott? What type of reputation does she have? (page 42)
21. Ali use to hang out with Torey and his friends, she doesn’t anymore. She says she is not like them, what is she referring to? (page 44)
22. What changes has Torey noticed in Ali’s physical appearance? (page 46)
23. What does Ali share with Torey regarding Chris’ relationship with his family? (page 49-52)
24. Why does Ali want Torey to come over to her house? (page 55)
25. Who are Leandra and Renee? (page 56)
26. What is Leandra’s theory about Creed’s note? (page 60)
27. Torey’s view of “rejects” is changing. Describe this change. (page 77)
28. What makes Mrs. Creed think Chris is dead? (page 82)
29. Who does she think killed him? Why? (page 83)
30. Torey goes to Ali’s house so they can spy at the Creeds. What does Ali think has happened to Chris? (page 89)
31. Most every night Mrs. Creed searches Chris’ room. What is she looking for? Where is it hidden? (page 91)
32. What do Torey and Ali notice about Chris’ bedroom and his brothers’ bedrooms? (page 92)
33. What does Torey learn about Ali’s mom? (page 96-97)
34. Who is Ali’s boyfriend? (page 99)
35. What does Bo do when he discovers what Ali’s mom is doing? (page 100)
36. What does Bo share with Torey and Ali about his family life? (page 102)
37. What piece of evidence do the cops have from Bo’s locker? (page 112)
38. Bo is very respectful of Ali. How does he explain this behavior to Torey? (page 114)
39. What does Torey realize about Bo Richardson? (page 115)
40. What plan does Torey suggest for getting Chris’ diary? (page 116)
41. Did the plan work? Explain. Who took the diary from Chris’ room? (pages 123-124)
42. Why does Bo insist on taking the fall for the phone call and the home invasion? (page 136)
43. Who is the adult that stands up for Bo, Ali, and Torey?
44. Where do Ali and her brother stay after the incident with the Creeds? Why don’t they go home? (page 140)
45. What story about Steepleton does Torey’s mom share with the kids? (page 146-149)
46. What did Digger Haines’ dad do when he disappeared? (page 150)
47. What is Digger doing now? Where does he live? (page 151)
48. What happened to Digger’s dad? (page 151)
49. What did Bo give Torey’s mom to give to Ali? (page 155)
50. How is Torey coping with everything that is going on? (page 174)
51. How does Torey treat leandra? Why? (page 188)
52. What were the charges against Bo? (page 191)
53. Who answers the phone when Leandra calls Torey? What does she suspect? (page 192)
54. Why does Torey feel different from everyone else? (page 195)
55. How does Ali know so much gossip about her classmates? (page 197)
56. Where is Ali’s mom? (page 198)
57. What does Torey tell his friends about his feelings for Leandra? (page 206)
58. Why did Ali punch Renee? (page 207)
59. What does Bo tell Renee about her dad? (page 210)
60. Torey breaks his silence, what does he tell Chief Bowen? (page 211)
61. How did Ali respond when Torey confessed? (page 222)
62. How did the cops respond? (page 222)
63. What does Torey tell Mrs. Creed about Chris? (page 226)
64. Why is Mrs. Creed so certain that Chris didn’t write the note? (page 227)
65. Where did Mrs. Creed grow up? (page 229)
66. What does she share about her father? What is she trying to prove? (page 229-230)
67. What does Torey tell Mrs. Creed about the night of the phone call? (page 231)
68. What does Mr. Ames reveal about Digger Haines? (page 233)
69. Describe the town of Margate. How is it different from Steepleton? (page 241)
70. Who is Isabella? What is she like? (page 242)
71. What was Isabella’s relationship with Chris? (page 244-245)
72. What does the psychic tell Torey? (page 249)
73. What does she say was the cause of death? (page 252)
74. What does Torey decide to do with the information from the psychic? (page 255)
75. How did Chief Bowen react when he found out what Bo told Renee? (page 257)
76. Does Alex believe that Bo was joking about what happened to Chris? Why or why not? (page 275-276)
77. What drove Torey to stay at the burial ground? (page 283)
78. Why is Torey so certain that Chris is still alive? (page 284)
79. What happened to Torey while he was standing on the rock at the burial ground? (pages 285-286)
80. What does Torey discover beneath the rock? (page 287)
81. What is in this spot and what happens when the air gets in? (page 288)
82. Why is Torey so “out of it”? (page 300)
83. Where did Torey go after he was released from the hospital? (page 302)
84. Who does Torey run into at the mental health facility? (page 303)
85. What does he discover about people in mental health? (page 303)
86. What is “immaculate decomposition”? (page 304)
87. What happened to the body in the cave when oxygen hit it? (page 306)
88. Whose body did Torey find? (page 307)
89. Who does Leo remind Torey of? Why? (page 312)
90. What has happened to Ali and Bo? (page 315)
91. What does Renee Bowen believe happened to Chris? (page 316)
92. What does Mrs. Creed think has happened to Chris? What does Justin Creed share with the principal of the middle school? (page 320)
93. No one in Steepleton has found so much as a hair from Chris Creed’s head. What does Torey continue to do to try and find Chris?