English 1 SE Reading Guide: Elsewhere
English 1 SE Reading Guide: Elsewhere
Directions: Answer the questions as you read the book. Refer to the page numbers listed at the end of the question.
1. When we first meet Liz she is on a ship in the middle of the ocean. Where is the ship headed?
2. Who is Thandi? (page 11)
3. Who is Curtis Jest? (pages 18-19)
4. How did Thandi get the hole in her head? (page 26)
5. How did Curtis Jest die? (page 33)
6. How did Liz die? (page 33)
7. Who greets Liz when she arrives in Elsewhere? (page 42)
8. On the drive to her home, Betty explains how Elsewhere operates. What does she tell Liz? (page 50-51)
9. How does Liz react to the customs of Elsewhere?
10. On her first day at Elsewhere, Betty takes Liz to the Registry. She learns more about the customs. What does she learn about making contact with people on Earth? (page 69)
11. Everyone must choose an advocation. What is an advocation? (page 69)
12. What is the official definition of acclimation? (page 70)
13. Who is Aldous Ghent? (page 71)
14. What does Liz learn about her accident from Aldous Ghent? (page 73)
15. How did Aldous and his wife die? (page 74)
16. What kind of work does Liz think she would like to do? (page 75)
17. What does Liz realize about her life on earth? (page 77)
18. What is the Sneaker Clause? (page 77)
19. What does Liz learn about her old life and God from Aldous? (page 78)
20. What job does Aldous suggest to Liz? (page 83)
21. Elsewhere doesn’t have a need for doctors or veterinarians. There is a need for what type of professionals? (page 85)
22. How is Liz’s family handling her death? (page 91)
23. Describe a typical day for Liz at Elsewhere. (page 94)
24. How is Liz’s family coping? (page 95)
25. Why did Liz stay away from the Observation Deck for 3 days? (page 105)
26. Who is Liz searching for? (page 111)
27. What does Esther tell Liz when she asks about contacting the living? (page 112)
28. Why is Thandi angry at Liz? (page 114)
29. What does Curtis Jest tell Liz when she asks him about contacting the living? (page 115)
30. What is the Well? (page 116)
31. While Liz is planning how she will get to the Well, what is Betty doing? (page 119)
32. What is Liz realizing about her accident? (page 124)
33. What decision does Liz make? (page 125)
34. How did Sadie die? (page 131)
35. As a counselor for Division of Domestic Animals what does Liz have to do? (page 133)
36. How does Liz like her job? (page 137)
37. What is bothering Liz? (page 139)
38. Why does Liz want to go to the Well? (page 140)
39. What happens to Liz at the Well? (page 143)
40. Who is Owen Welles? (page 143)
41. Does Alvey find the sweater? (page 145)
42. Why is it harmful to contact the living? (page 145)
43. What is Liz’s punishment? (page 148)
44. What does Betty tell Liz to do to help her miss earth less? (page 152)
45. Why is Liz so concerned about her broken watch back on earth? (page 154)
46. How did Owen Welles die? (page 156)
47. How did he respond to his death? (page 156)
48. Why did Owen take a dive in the Well? (page 158)
49. What does Liz do to show Owen her appreciation? (page 160)
50. After the Thanksgiving meal Owen helps Liz clean up. What does Liz learn about Owen? (page 165-166)
51. What is Watcher Syndrome? (page 168)
52. What does Owen mean when he says he is “wasting his death”? What does he decide to do? (page 169)
53. How does Owen ask Liz over for dinner? (page 173)
54. What favor does Liz ask of Owen? (page 175)
55. Why does Thandi think Liz is having difficulty grasping parallel parking? (page 177)
56. What does Liz ask Curtis? How does he respond? (page 180)
57. What do Liz and Owen confess to each other? (page 184)
58. Where does Owen take Liz? (page 187)
59. Where does Liz want Owen to get a tattoo? What would it say? (page 187)
60. Who was Thandi on earth? (page 189)
61. Who is on the list of arrivals? (page 190)
62. What is Owen going to do? (page 192)
63. How did Emily die? (page 194)
64. What does Owen do with Jen? Why? (page 197)
65. Liz is upset. What does Betty suggest? (page 203)
66. Why does Liz rush over to Owen’s house? (page 204)
67. What happens on the porch? Who is watching? (page 206)
68. Why does Aldous come to visit Liz? (page 208)
69. What is Liz’s answer? (page 209)
70. Who does Liz share her plan with? (page 210)
71. What explanation does Curtis give Liz for why he doesn’t sing? (page 211)
72. What decision do Emily and Owen make? Why? (page 214)
73. What begins to happen as soon as Emily leaves? (page 215)
74. Who tells Betty what Liz plans to do? (page 219)
75. Why does Liz decide at the last minute that she doesn’t want to return to earth? (page 220)
76. What do Owen, Betty, and Curtis decide to do? (page 221)
77. How does Liz break free? (page 226)
78. What does Curtis come to talk to Liz about? (page 230)
79. How does Betty react when Liz tells her how Curtis feels? (page 232)
80. What awakens Liz and Betty in the night? (page 232)
81. Liz receives a message in a bottle. Who is it from and what does it say? (page 242)
82. Why do Liz and Owen go to the Well? (page 247)
83. What happens at the Well? (page 248)
84. Who finally hears Liz? (page 251)
85. How did he hear her? (page 253)
86. After Sadie is released, Liz tells Betty she will never have another dog. What causes her to change her mind? (page 261)
87. Why didn’t Amadou Bonamy stop when he hit Liz with his cab? (page 265)
88. Why does Liz have Owen read to her? (page 268-269)
89. Who attends Liz’s release? (page 271)
90. How does Betty recognize Liz’s “rebirth”? (page 272)